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total download:

RMforPresident - Regular

- ver.1 [released on 9.12.2019]

- all letters came directly from namjoon's handwriting

- if i couldn't find a letter or a symbol, i used existing letters     and strokes that namjoon wrote to create them

   [ex. @ was made by combining his 'a' and 'c]

[6.27.2020 update] A total of 5314 downloads have been     
   made as of 6.27.2020. From now on, only a demo file 
   containing the letters 'RM' and 'BTS' will be available for
   free download. The full font can be purchased below.
2020년 6월 27일 현재까지 총 5314분께서 폰트를 다운 받으셨습니다.
   오늘부터 폰트배부는 아래 링크를 통해 유료로 진행되며 무료로 제공되는 
   데모 폰트에는 'RM'과 'BTS' 다섯 글자만 포함될 예정입니다.

demo ver.

*only contains the letters 'RM' and 'BTS'!

*'RM' 과 'BTS' 5글자만 포함되어 있음

full font download: [etsy]

Jin3Hours title

Jin3Hours - Regular

- ver.0.1 [released on 10.13.2019]

- inspired by Jin's beautiful birthday message to Jimin which
   he said took 3 hours (hence the name)

- only has these specific Hangul letters!



total download:


JIMIN - Regular

- ver.0.1 [released on 6.27.2020]

- font based on jimin's handwriting

demo ver.

*only contains the letters 'JIMIN' 'BTS' and heart as period '.'


total download:

full font download: [etsy]

© 2019 by @vanteology1

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